Biprateep Dey | বিপ্রতীপ দে

PhD Candidate at Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh.


300 Allen Hall,

3941 O'Hara Street,

Pittsburgh, PA, 15217.

I am currently finishing up my PhD at the University of Pittsburgh. Beginning Fall 2024, I will be joining the Department of Statistical Sciences of University of Toronto as a Schmidt AI for Science Fellow and the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) as a CITA fellow.

My work involves developing statistical machine-learning tools to study the formation and evolution of the Universe and the galaxies within. I also work on designing large astronomical sky surveys which enable such statistical studies and am “builder” of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration. I am also passionate about developing a scientific community which is accessible and welcoming to all.

You can find my publications along with an up-to-date citation record here.